Optimising Airline Revenue Through Advanced Booking Analytics

Revenue Management systems are often complex and challenging to implement, frequently falling short in addressing the immediate needs of RM analysts. MATIS Booking Insights is a ready-to-use reporting module designed specifically for Revenue Management teams to support swift decision-making. Developed by experts in Revenue Management, it delivers powerful insights into booking performance and trends, enabling more efficient business decisions to optimise revenues. This module leverages booking data from reservation systems (particularly Amadeus BIF files), EDGAR Revenue Accounting data, and customised Maureva algorithms for valuation and forecasting. With advanced decision support systems, it allows airlines to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and track KPI trends effectively.


Enhanced Booking Visibility

Gain a comprehensive view of booking performance across all sales channels and airline markets.

Optimized Revenue Management

Make data-driven decisions to optimize revenue and manage booking performance.

KPI Monitoring

Track and analyze key performance indicators to understand trends and improve decision-making.

Operational Efficiency

Streamline reporting and analysis processes for quicker insights and actions.

Improved Financial Performance

Identify opportunities and risks to enhance overall financial performance.

Key Dashboards

Booking Analytics

KPIs Trend Analytics

Lowest Open RBD Analytics

Lowest Open RBD Trend

Monthly Budget Comparison

Progression Curve Analytics

Lowest Open RBD Analytics

Alert Dashboards

Bookings & Revenues

KPIs Curves

Key Features

Advanced Analytics

Detailed Measures

Automatic Data Synchronization

Cloud-Based Solution

Dynamic Reporting

Advanced Data Insights

Secured Access

Mail Subscriptions

MATIS Booking Insights empowers the Revenue Management team with advanced tools to analyze and optimize booking performance. By leveraging detailed analytics and dynamic reporting capabilities, airlines can enhance revenue management, improve financial performance, and gain a competitive edge. With MATIS, transform your airline’s booking data into actionable insights and drive your business forward. This module specifically targets Revenue Management Analysts, providing them with the necessary tools to excel in their roles and make more efficient business decisions.


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    Yes, MAUREVA team may contact me via e-mail or telephone concerning our airline solutions & services, as well as other content that may be of interest following my request.

    Client access


      Yes, MAUREVA team may contact me via e-mail or telephone concerning our airline solutions & services, as well as other content that may be of interest following my request.